Avoid Damaging Your Pipes

Arrange for Drain Cleaning and Clogged Drain Services in Sanford, MI

Dealing with clogged drains in Sanford, MI? Attempting to fish out blockages with metal tools or clear clogs with harsh chemicals can do more harm than good. Protect your plumbing lines by leaving drain cleaning to the experts.

The crew at Harry Sewer & Drain Cleaning relies on drain snakes and augers to remove obstructions like... 

Food Scraps
Foreign Objects

You can count on us to get rid of the blockage safely.

Don’t Flush Grease Down the Drain

Fats, oils and greasy food residue will stick to pipe walls and capture debris, leading to clogged drains and serious plumbing issues. With that in mind, you don't want to pour grease down the drain.

However, we understand that accidents happen. That’s why we’re standing by 24/7 to provide emergency drain cleaning services in the Sanford, MI area. Call (989) 430-1633 today to hire the Harry Sewer & Drain Cleaning pros.

Hire Harry's Sewer and Drain Cleaning Pros.

 Contact us today to learn more.

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